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Podcast interview with military tech expert Andreas Graae: Does Denmark have the right defence for future military conflicts?
This podcast [min. 30] is in Danish. The English AI-generated transcript is available here

In this podcast, Insightview discusses AI and high technology use in the Danish defence with Andreas I. Graae, an Assistant Professor at the Royal Danish Defence College. Insightview asks Andreas (age: 40), who holds a PhD from the University of Southern Denmark, whether Denmark has the right military leadership and structure to defend our country in a new world that requires a different approach. Do we have the right organisational setup? Do we have the right composition of weapons? Last, do we have the time to find the answers? Andreas sees a risk that "today's generals may plan tomorrow's war based on yesterday's experiences" if we are not open to change.

‌If you want to learn more about the challenges facing the Danish military—indeed, the defence forces of European countries—Insightview strongly recommends reading "Servers Before Tanks" by Andreas Graae.

‌‌‌P‌odcast Interview m. militær-teknologi ekspert Andreas I. Graae: Har Danmark det rigtige forsvar til fremtidens militære konflikter? 

I denne podcast har Insightview talt med Andreas I. Graae, forsker og underviser i militærteknologi ved det Danske Forsvarsakademi. Insightview spørger Andreas (alder: 40), som har en ph.d. fra Syddansk Universitet, om Danmark har den rigtige militære ledelse og struktur til at forsvare vores land i en ny verden, der kræver en anderledes tilgang. 

‌Har vi den rigtige organisatoriske sammensætning? Har vi den rette våbensammensætning? Og sidst, har vi tiden til at finde svarene? Andreas ser en risiko for, at ”nutidens generaler planlægger fremtidens krig ud fra fortidens erfaringer”, hvis vi ikke er forandringsvillige.

‌Ønsker du at vide mere om hvilke problemstillinger det danske forsvar - ja, europæiske landes forsvar - står overfor, vil Insightview stærkt anbefale at læse, "Servers Before Tanks", Andreas Graae.

‌‌[listen to the podcast here on Spreakers]
‌‌[listen to the podcast here on Spotify]
‌‌‌‌[listen to the podcast here on Apple Podcasts]
‌‌Music: Melodyloops, 'Rays of Success' – by Ihsan Dincer with Ihsan Dincer‌
‌See all previous podcasts here:

16. August 2024 - AI, Demographics, and Geopolitics - and What It Means for the Stock Market [article and video]
29. May 2024 - Podcast interview with Camilla Tenna Norup Sorensen: The EU's next major challenge - the strained relationship with 'Xi Jinping's China'
‌‌30. January 2024 - Podcast interview [plus VIDEO] with AI expert: Could Artificial Intelligence turn out to be the panacea to the EU's problems? [English and Danish]
