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Podcast interview with Jacob Funk Kirkegaard, PIIE and Bruegel: Does the EU have what it takes to avoid falling further behind?
This podcast [50 min.] is in Danish. This time, the English AI-generated transcript will not be available because the original transcript from the Podcast software was of low quality.

The EU is in the midst of a slow-motion crisis. It is the consequence of three decades of strategic failures: a misguided foreign, security, and economic policy that has based the economic model of EU countries—particularly Germany—on cheap imports from Russia, cheap production in China, and virtually free military protection from the USA. This model collapsed when Russia invaded Ukraine. There is now talk of reindustrialisation, digitalisation, military rearmament, and everything we have neglected for three decades in the EU.

Has the EU woken up too late to this challenge? Last week, the former ECB President, Mario Draghi, presented a remarkable report to the European Commission on how the EU can avoid falling further behind China and the USA. The report highlights the EU's structural challenges and what is needed to address them. Insightview has talked with Jacob Funk Kirkegaard about this. Jacob is a Senior Fellow at Bruegel and the Peterson Institute for International Economics. He is also Head of European Research at 22V Research, a private research firm.

Podcast Interview m. Jacob Funk Kirkegaard fra PIIE and Bruegel: H‌ar EU hvad skal til for ikke at falde yderligere agterud?

EU befinder sig midt i en krise i slowmotion. Det er en konsekvens af tre årtiers strategiske fejltagelser: En forfejlet udenrigs-, sikkerheds- og erhvervspolitik, som har baseret EU-landenes økonomiske model – særligt Tysklands – på billig import fra Rusland, billig produktion i Kina og stort set gratis militærbeskyttelse fra USA. Denne model kollapsede, da Rusland invaderede Ukraine. I EU tales der nu om reindustrialisering, digitalisering, militær genoprustning og alt det, vi har forsømt i tre årtier.

Er EU vågnet op for sent til denne udfordring? I sidste uge præsenterede den tidligere centralbankchef for ECB, Mario Draghi, en bemærkelsesværdig rapport til EU-Kommissionen om, hvordan EU kan undgå at falde yderligere bagud i forhold til Kina og USA. Rapporten sætter fingeren på de strukturelle udfordringer, som EU står over for, og hvad der skal til for at løse dem. Det har Insightview talt med Jacob Funk Kirkegaard om. Jacob er Senior Fellow ved Bruegel og Peterson Institute for International Economics. Han er også leder af europæisk forskning hos 22V Research, et privat forskningsfirma.

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‌‌Music: Melodyloops, 'Rays of Success' – by Ihsan Dincer with Ihsan Dincer‌
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