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Podcast interview with Steen Jakobsen, Chief Investment Officer, Saxo Bank, about a global economy headed towards the 1970s
‌In this podcast [min 40 - telephone], Insightview has interviewed Steen Jakobsen from Saxo Bank about where the global economy is headed after the coronavirus outbreak. Steen, who is Chief Investment Officer, believes, the world is headed towards the early 1970s with the risk of higher inflation after a short period of deflation. The fact that the world turns “asynchronous” will put a significant drag on global productivity and wealth, Steen concludes.

I‌‌n the interview, we discuss the risk of the return of capital control, the need for a stronger European Union and other issues linked to a rapidly changing world.

‌Steen Jakobsen joined Saxo Bank in 2000. As CIO he focuses on delivering asset allocation strategies and analysis of the overall macroeconomic and political landscape. With more than 30 years of experience, Jakobsen regularly appears as a guest host on CNBC and Bloomberg News.

‌It is also recommended to read Steen's interesting article, Welcome back to the 1970s.

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