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Podcast interview with Professor Torben M Andersen on how Danish policymakers handle the ongoing coronavirus crisis blindfold. What do the first 'random' tests say about the extent of the virus outbreak? [FREE ACCESS]
In this podcast [25 min], Insightview has talked with Torben M. Andersen, Professor at the Department of Economics and Business Economics, Aarhus University, about Denmark's restart after the lock-down caused by the coronavirus outbreak. In early April, Torben M Andersen, along with a group of other top Danish economists, criticized the Danish government and health authorities for having acted blindly because they did not collect the necessary data to make the right decisions. [‌Read also the Berlingske article, Topøkonomer: Fjern bindet for øjnene før Danmark åbnes igen, April 2.] Insightview asks Torben about how the latest data collection should be interpreted. [Language: Danish - English translation will be published later.] 

Torben M Andersen, who is also the Chairman of ATP's Supervisory Board,  is a fellow at international research centres, including CEPR, London, IZA, Bonn, and CES Ifo, Munich. He has been actively involved in giving policy advice in Denmark, the other Nordic countries, a number of other countries as well as the EU Commission. Among other activities, Torben M Andersen has been the chairman of the Danish Economic Council and the Welfare Commission, a member of the Danish Systemic Risk Council and vice-chair of the Swedish Fiscal Policy Council. Currently, he is among other things a member of the European Economic Advisory Group, Munich. Listen to more podcasts here.

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12. December 2019 - Podcast interview with Torben M Andersen, former chairman of the Danish Economic Council and the Welfare Commission, about whether QE has failed and, if so, 'what went wrong?'