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Podcast interview with China expert Professor Stig Thøgersen about the formation of public opinion in China, Xi Jinping, nationalism and the risk of an upcoming Taiwan crisis [FREE ACCESS]
In this podcast [32 min], Insightview has talked to Stig Thøgersen, Professor Emeritus of China Studies, Aarhus University, to understand the formation of public opinion on the Chinese mainland. This is important if we are to understand how the ongoing trade conflict between China and the United States might evolve in the coming months and years. 

Stig Thøgersen went to China for the first time as a language student in 1974-1975 and has followed the transformation of the Chinese society ever since. He has done fieldwork in several Chinese provinces and has published extensively on Chinese education and on political, social and cultural change in rural China. The podcast will touch on issues such as the current political power position of Xi Jinping, nationalism and why one should not underestimate the risk of an upcoming Taiwan crisis.

‌‌Music: I'm Plastic3, 'Music Of Nature', Melodyloops