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Podcast: Interview with Professor Joergen Delman about China, Xi Jinping, the intrusion of the state in the private sector and other issues
In this podcast (26 min), Joergen Delman, is interviewed by the editor of to provide a better picture of the current economic and political situation in China. Joergen Delman is professor, PhD, China Studies, Department of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies, at the University of Copenhagen. The interview will touch topics such as:

‌- the trade war 
‌- is the Chinese economy growing?
‌- is there a risk of "brain drain" in China or is China attracting foreign talents?
‌- the intrusion of the state in the private sector
‌- is President Xi a believer in the free market economy?
‌- social unrest
‌- Beijing is tightening its grip on the internet and social media
‌‌- clamping down on shadow banking versus the private sector
‌- how strong is President Xi Jinping?
‌- how should governments handle Chinese companies investing in Europe?    

‌Joergen Delman works on China’s political economy, politics, civil society, climate policies and environmental issues. He is a frequent public speaker and media commentator on these topics and has lived in China for ten years, working as a consultant for international development organisations, as well as Danish and international businesses. He has worked extensively with and within Chinese government organisations at central and local level. Joergen Delman is Co-coordinator of

‌‌Music: I'm Plastic3, 'Music Of Nature', Melodyloops

16. January 2019 - China: Newly-built house price increases in tier-1 cities boost the national house price index although this is not a reflection of the real situation
15. January 2019 - China: Weak monetary statistics underscore why Beijing is expected to launch aggressive fiscal and monetary easing measures