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22. November 2023
The 2024 Global Economic and Financial Outlook
7. December 2022
The 2023 Global Economic and Financial Outlook [Expired November 1, 2023]
13. December 2021
The 2022 Global Economic and Financial Outlook [Expired November 1, 2022]
6. December 2020
The 2021 Global Economic and Financial Outlook [Expired December 8, 2021]
4. December 2019
The 2020 Global Economic and Financial Outlook [Expired February 1, 2020, due to the coronavirus outbreak]
11. December 2018
The 2019 Global Economic and Financial Outlook (Expired November 1, 2019)
19. December 2017
The 2018 Global Economic and Financial Outlook (Expired November 12, 2018)
16. December 2016
The 2017 Global Economic and Financial Outlook EXPIRED (November 1, 2017)
16. December 2015
The 2016 Global Economic and Financial Outlook - EXPIRED (October 25, 2016)