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28. January 2020
Articles - Podcast interview with Anders Ellemann Kristensen in Beijing, General Manager, Albatros Travel China, about the coronavirus impact - Anecdotal evidence from Beijing [FREE ACCESS]
12. December 2019
Articles - Podcast interview with Torben M Andersen, former chairman of the Danish Economic Council and the Welfare Commission, about whether QE has failed and, if so, 'what went wrong?' [FREE ACCESS]
21. October 2019
Articles - Podcast interview with Steffen Jensen, Danish TV2's Middle East correspondent, about yet another crisis in Syria, European hypocrisy, Africa, and the risk of a new migrant crisis [FREE ACCESS]
12. August 2019
Articles - Podcast interview with Philip Christian Ulrich,, about why 'America First' is here to stay - with or without the re-election of President Trump [FREE ACCESS]
8. July 2019
Articles - Podcast interview with Camilla Noerup Sorensen from the Institute for Strategy at the Royal Danish Defence College about a wide range of global foreign policy issues linked to the Rise of China
3. July 2019
Articles - Podcast interview with Morten Springborg, Thematic Specialist, about tech competition between China and the West, splinternet, 5G and how strong China's tech sector really is [FREE ACCESS]
Articles - Podcast interview with Casper Wichmann, China tech expert, about tech competition between China and the West, splinternet, 5G and how strong China's tech sector really is [FREE ACCESS]
4. June 2019
Articles - Podcast interview with China expert Professor Stig Thøgersen about the formation of public opinion in China, Xi Jinping, nationalism and the risk of an upcoming Taiwan crisis [FREE ACCESS]
1. March 2019
Articles - Highly recommended: Podcast about the future of the European Union. Interview with thematic specialist Morten Springborg from CWorldWide [FREE ACCESS]
6. February 2019
Articles - Highly recommended: Podcast about China - Interview with Klaus Anker Petersen, Brand House, about investment opportunities in digitising China - 31 min [FREE ACCESS]
16. January 2019
Articles - Podcast: Interview with Professor Joergen Delman about China, Xi Jinping, the intrusion of the state in the private sector and other issues